


祖母绿切割订婚戒指是旧世界魅力的代名词。具有讽刺意味的是,它们与祖母绿无关,也不应与浓郁的绿色宝石混淆。祖母绿切工是最古老的钻石切工之一,其历史可以追溯到 1500 年代。然而,直到 1920 年代和 1930 年代的装饰艺术时期,它们才退居二线。正是在装饰艺术时代,祖母绿切工才得以独树一帜,并在世界各地上流社会的精英中广受欢迎。

祖母绿切割宝石通常呈矩形(尽管您偶尔会发现正方形),具有 57 个细长和凿刻面,营造出 “镜厅” 效果。有趣的是,在这种情况下,偷工减料实际上是一件好事——从字面上看。祖母绿戒指的边角经过切割,使其更坚固。

它不像圆形切割钻石那样闪闪发光。祖母绿切割订婚戒指的魅力更加微妙和低调。它们在闪光方面有所欠缺,但在尺寸和成本上却得到了弥补。祖母绿切割钻石看起来比许多其他相同克拉重量的形状更大。它的成本效益也比圆形切割钻石高 20-30% 。选择长宽比可能会令人困惑——有些祖母绿切割钻石更窄,而另一些则更宽; 这是个人选择的问题,也是戒指戴在手指上的样子。

格蕾丝·凯利(Grace Kelly)等永恒的时尚偶像到碧昂丝(Beyoncé)等千禧一代的美女,祖母绿切割戒指已被证明是最受欢迎的。詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)也用她的 15 克拉祖母绿切割铠甲震撼了造型。安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)的戒指可能更微妙,但同样令人惊叹。






These two emerald cut diamond engagement rings offer a contemporary twist on vintage designs. Set in 14k gold, they’re ideal for the classic bride looking for something timeless.

Princess Cut Engagement Rings

Princess Cut diamonds are square-cut stones known for their brilliant fire, sparkle, and chevron cuts. They feature pointed corners – unlike the cut-offs in the emerald cut – and an inverted pyramid base. The round cut is sparkly, but the princess cut also allows light to pass through 58 facets, resulting in a brighter and whiter appearance. Princess cuts are more cost-effective than round-cut diamonds while offering the same sparkle. This is mainly due to the cut’s efficiency, resulting in minimal material wastage from a rough diamond.

The true-blue princess, Meghan Markle, wore a trilogy princess cut ring to mark her engagement to Prince Harry. However, if appearances are paramount to you, this doesn’t necessarily equate to value for money. Because a significant portion of the carat weight in a princess cut diamond is held in its pavilion, the table or top part appears deceptively smaller compared to an emerald cut diamond. It’s a balance between sparkle and size. The emerald cut wins in size, but the princess cut excels in sparkle. Additionally, they effectively conceal inclusions due to their depth.”

Emerald Cut vs Princess Cut


Emerald Cut vs Princess Cut


Fine Jewelry Featuring Emerald Cut Diamonds

If you’re a fan of the Emerald shape for diamonds, maybe it’s time to explore beyond just engagement rings and consider investing in other exquisite jewelry designs that feature this diamond shape. One elegant way to incorporate it is through a timeless piece of old-world glamour – the tennis bracelet, which is one of the most preferred accessory styles of women with discerning tastes.  Additionally, you could opt for statement pieces like earring studs or a bold ring, adding a touch of personality to your overall look.

Emerald Cut vs Princess Cut



Emerald Cut vs Princess Cut


For a cocktail party, accentuate your outfit with an 18k white gold tennis bracelet sparkling with emerald cut diamonds. Add a touch of flair with this gorgeous 18k white-yellow gold ring that is also encrusted with emerald cut diamonds.

Emerald Cut vs Princess Cut

Fine Jewelry Featuring Princess Cut Diamonds

Princess cut stones earn their name for a reason – they boast to be the ideal gems that women seek, blending sparkle, cost, and shape. Interestingly, they were originally referred to as ‘profile cut stones’ rather than princess cut until the 1970s when the name was officially changed. Complement your princess-cut engagement ring with other exquisite jewelry pieces that share the same cut, showcased in diverse aesthetics and tones.

Emerald Cut vs Princess Cut




宽大的公主方形圆形钻石戒指镶嵌在 14k 白金中,搭配一对饰有 14k 黄金八角形边框的耳钉,佩戴在手指上看起来令人惊艳。


祖母绿和公主方形切割钻石因其四边形形状而经常被归为一类,但它们的相似之处仅限于这一方面。每款产品都拥有完全独特的特性,为新娘提供独特的风格选择。要探索我们以祖母绿切割或公主方形切割钻石为特色的全系列订婚戒指和高级珠宝,请访问 Grasssky & Co. 网站或我们的任何零售合作伙伴。你会发现一件真正让你感到特别的作品。